Friday, May 14, 2010

Internet Workshop: Tantric Massage, Meditation and Hands-on Healing for Couples

International Internet Workshop: 
Tantric Massage, 
Meditation and 
Hands-on healing for couples 

 Led by Big Sur Tantric Masseur 
at our center in Los Angeles. 

This weekend workshop will include demonstrations of specific techniques including the Extended Yoni Massage and Couples Kama Sutra Yoga.
     Demonstrations will be followed by guided massage where couples will be shown the techniques as they follow along and practice them in their own treatment areas they have set up prior to the workshop.  We will work with every participant to put together the webcams they would like to use and create the environment conducive to their experience as they wish, so that everyone will be prepared and comfortable to embark on this work together which is very powerful and can be challenging, realizing we are never given challenges we cannot meet.  
      Note: Occasionally you will see the client, practitioner or both wearing tights during Tantric treatments. The use of these special tights can be instrumental in a client's healing treatment.  Please read this for a complete explanation as well as a description of the psychological aspects of Tantric Therapy.
       To our knowledge most of the techniques couples will learn aat the Internet workshops have never been presented before,except in our live workshops in Europe, including a technique that shows clearly where the body is blocked and life force energy is obstructed, which is used at the beginning of every session.  Reliably, it leads quickly to the discovery of the issue of the day and moves into the deeper, underlying material as further techniques are drawn from our quiver of hundreds of approaches learned from mastery of several body work techniques including Reichian Therapy, pranayama, Holotropic Breathwork, Trager, Rosen Method Bodywork and many others from rebirthing to gestalt therapy which the leader of the workshop learned from founder Fritz Perls.  But the beginning technique, which is only practiced in Original Tantric massage, is the one technique that accounts for the quick movement of every session to a place of conclusion and successful resolution of issues, with a clear direction for the next, if another treatment is needed.  This is the practice that also lead to other techniques that will be demonstrated, including the Extended Yoni Massage and Kama Sutra Tantric Yoga.
Included in the workshop will be several opportunities for interactive report backs where couples may demonstrate their progress during the weekend and have questions answered.  We are designing this workshop to be as close to the live workshops we have been leading the past ten years in Switzerland and although this Tantra is powerfully out of the ordinary it is also guaranteed that each couple will come away with the ability to transcend ordinary waking consciousness and move into higher realms, with their partners rather than in spite of them, as often happens in our daily lives and relationships, and the ability to merge their consciousness, creating a lasting bond.  It this effect that earned the Swiss workshops their nickname, "The Couples Glue", which sounds better in both French and Swiss German!  Couples on the verge of calling it quits after years of trying, walked away looking like young lovers, and couples who met at the workshops looked like they'd known each other all their lives.
     We are sure it is possible to achieve results as profound and life-changing using the Internet.  The treatments are so powerful that  several clients have received miraculous healings in recent years, including the total remission of chronic illnesses that had defied doctors for years.  As Wilhelm Reich, M.D., colleague of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, theorized at the turn of the century, "All healing, emotional and physical, requires the free and unimpeded flow of orgone energy (from the root, "orgasm")." 
     One-hundred years later, we are proving his theory regularly. The workshop will use multiple cameras for a better view of demonstrations than can be achieved at live workshops, especially of the energy flow and minute movements of the expanded yoni massage, which is impossible to show in its entirety as much of the massage takes place inside the vagina.  It is difficult to see, without being present live, the erotic energy vortex the treatments create and that are responsible for healing, but the feedback from individual webcams and the fact the energy is being developed and can be seen, the techniques followed precisely, assure that the home experience will be as powerful and the energy will be developed there as well.  Therefore couples need to expect that they will experience more powerful orgasms than they have previously experienced, and for this reason the workshops will be held on a secure server with no possibility of anyone hacking into the signal or receiving it unless they are registered for the conference. 
     Couples will have a chance to meet prior to the workshop since one of three requirements for successful tantric massage and treatments is actual safety as the body is exquisitely tuned to feel for whether it is truly safe and this is one sensitivity we teach as well.  The other two requirements are endless patience and the unconditional love that requires and that no personal agenda be brought to the session on the part of the healer.  There are other attributes that also help and that will be taught at the workshop, the main one being precise sensitivity both emotionally and physically so that your hands or whatever other part of your body is being used to massage and activate your mate, is tuned in to their needs fully and accepting as much information as possible, as well as communicating unconditional love, including unconditional eros.
     Professional tantric treatments create what can best be desribed as a "Love vortex" that almost always results in full-body multiple orgasms not just now and then but reliably in every session.  Couples can expect their own work will do the same at the workshops, even though they are not actually i the room with other couples or the leaders, where it is always part of the experience.  The use of cameras will help get you there and allow you to share your experience for others to learn from, as well as to see and learn from your skills and give you positive feedback about your work, including your desirability, which has no correlation to your physical beauty as defined by magazine covers, but in this work is always percevied positively, just as we regard any other of nature's flowers as it opens to the sun.  The cameras will also help you show any areas that need attention and lastly, though required to attend the workshop, there is no requirement to "perform" in any way on camera.  Furthermore they will be safe, and we are currently looking for an advisor who can help us set up software that allows couples to view and transmit video while choosing whether or not to allow the recording of their images. 
     A special feature of the Internet workshop, always popular at our European workshops, are report backs, where couples have a chance to demonstrate problems or successes in carrying out their Friday and Saturday night at-home assignments that we give individually, based on where they and the group are in their work.  These will be webcam reports and will be able to be presented on tape the next day or shown live to the group on their live webcam(s).   
     Also included will be guided massage, the cornerstone of the Swiss workshops and the key to a deeper understanding of how tantra can work for you and your mate.  With two cameras n our studio showing the demonstrations close-up, it will be even easier to follow and achieve powerful results than in the live workshops.  Guided meditations will also be more powerful with the imagery and music we have prepared but the most intensive, unique and powerful work will be the second day, when we introduce couples to Kama Sutra Yoga, which we developed in Switzerland over ten years working with couples learning and practicing the original and heretofore secret Tantra asanas and one by one integrating the sutras from the ancient Indian text, the Kama Sutra.  
     Although Original Tantra practice makes "breaks" between male orgasms unnecessary, the Internet workshop will allow for more frequent breaks than live workshops, adding even more of the all-important "Patience" necessary to achieve "Goddess Response"-quality orgasms and healing.    I personally proved the medical sexual experts wrong who say a man can only have one orgasm at a time.  Not with any preconceived intent, I attended one of Stan Grof's Holotropic Breathing workshops to find out what his work was like, since I had been told he was doing some of the same things that I was teaching.  At the workshop I met a doctor of psychology who I was attracted to and we decided to be partners at the workshop the next day, being each others' "sitters".  At a point during my breathing time - a few hours of breath of fire that puts you in an alternative consiousn state, I asked her to lie on top of me and proceeded to have an orgasm that lasted about 20 minutes.  I was told later that Dr. Grof watched the whole thing and I do remeber looking up to see him staring in disbelief wondering, I imagined, whether ot not to stop this outrageous display!  Dr. Stanislav Grof is the famous Czech psychiatrist who was the last to have a license to use LSD in his practice and when it was revoked, developed Holotropic Breathing as a substitute to acheive a similar alternate state of consciousness. 
     Like Dr. Grof's workshops, our advanced workshops do not need breaks and often we will go for an entire afternoon of six hours or m ore in constant alternative consiousness accompanied by multiple full body orgasms for one or both partners alternating (at our workshops, not at Holotropic workshops, since they are  not focussed on Tantra).
     But these first Internet workshops are designed for beginners aa well as advanced students, and will therefore benefit from the frequent breaks, important while learning this powerful form of spiritual and emotional development.  As you can read in other articles on this site, PATIENCE is perhaps the single most important requirement of this work.  Through patience, many of my female clients reach their first intensive full-body orgasm in seconds of beginning a treatment and some have even had orgasms that were the result of another phenomenon, contagion.  Orone energy is highly contagious and because I run so much of it in my body, from the age of sixteen I have had many clients and students who were surprised, some shocked, that they had orgasms upon touching me and today many new patients upon meeting me, experience their first powerful full-body orgasm during our first perfunctory social "hug", even though it is non sexual.


We are confident these workshops will be successful and are planning next year's Internet workshops to be "broadcast" live from cities close to this  year's participants' homes.  They will also be invited to participate in the planning and organization of their local workshops and will be offered the first choice of individual treatments both before and after the workshop.  Individual healing treatments are not for couples only, in fact, we rarely offer them to couples, but mostly to individuals. There will be eleven monthly workshops from July, 2011 to July 2012, with the exception of December and their location will depend to a large extent upon where this year's participants live.  However, because of our connections in these cities, there will probably be workshops in Zurich, Paris, London, New York, and Stockholm or Helsinki.  There will also be one or two in central and south America.
     If you are interested in being invited to attend the internet workshops or in organizing and sponsoring local workshops in your area, please send an email to Big Sur Tantric Masseur via this site.