Most of the people I work with are guided to me and their work ends up being a part of a whole that I believe, and have been told, is helping to bring about the return of the Garden of Eden on Earth, where love in all three parts- Agape, Phillia and Eros - will rule the planet, the only emotion and mode of communication that will be used after the rigid structures of the past millennium are gone. Love is more than we think and have been taught to believe. As a definition of God or The Creator, it is synonymous with "all that is" and specifically referred to by The Guardian Angel of Lost Souls as a form of communication that will replace spoken language and allow all life, including plant and animal life to communicate in full. There is a reason the work of hands-on tantric healing cannot be described, just as many super-conscious experiences, including hallucinogenic ones, cannot be described in words. Even as a child, writing music at a young age, I would tell others they could not possibly know what I was thinking or even who I was withouthearing the music I had written.
The work of hands-on tantric healing originates from when I was a young child but opened up in its present form through massage when I was a sixteen-year-old growing up at Esalen and evolved to what it is now. It has been influenced equally by teachers and patients (clients), the main ones being Marion Rosen, Yogi Bhajan, Wilhelm Reich, through his descendant therapists, and my first client who had several spontaneous orgasms, having "caught" orgone energy from my body at age 23. She informed me of the process more than any individual by being possessed of the singular skill that most of the people learning from me today are still trying to achieve, the ability to allow and accept without opinion, the pure pleasure of multiple full body orgasms, and by doing so, demonstrated to me the correct and most useful positioning as a health practitioner and itinerant psychotherapist.
I will describe in full the details of this relationship in a subsequent blog.
The most powerful single technique, apart from the hands-on healing and generation of spiritual and physical energy that come through my hands automatically, are the pranayama techniques I have learned from the work of Wilhelm Reich, Yogi Bhajan and his practice of Kundalini yoga and more recently, Stanislav Grof and his technique of Holotropic Breathing. The techniques are similar and cross over and I use them all in almost every session, as they enhance and focus, alternately dispersing and generalizing thought through energetic activation of the body's orgone, kundalini, chi energy. They also put the organized everyday brain wave patterns on hold and block the rational brain's interference in the processes of creating, evolving, learning and expanding our consciousness.
Every session is different for several reasons with one important and notable exception - a technique I developed which allows me to see where my patient is holding tension in her body and always, without fail, points to the correct starting place for every session. It is a simple technique: I have the patient lie face down with hands at her sides and move her feet from side to side, watching the wave patterns that sets off in her body. Just as a river will flow around a rock, the waves will flow around blocks, which appear as still areas.. Depending on my quality of attention that day, I usually will quickly go to that place, usually one, and after others are sometimes revealed if the procedure needs to be repeated. It is always the central area of concern. I let my hands begin their work there. Before developing this technique I simply would run my hands over her body letting them find the areas most in need of healing. Now I first practice this simple technique that is much more focused and always accurate, thus saving lots of time and making the session much more powerful and effective.
The second most powerful technique I use comes from the Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan. I have not worked with Yogi Bhajan for years, and was never a "follower", though not for his lack of trying, but I used his "White Tantra" asanas to refine the work I began at Esalen decades before. Before describing the technique, I should describe Esalen and my work the environment for its prime importance as a nurturing environment for the Tantric Massage and Healing Treatments I subsequently developed. My teachers there included Fritz Perls, my first "therapist" and the founder of Gestalt therapy, Marion Rosen, an 80-year-old physical therapist, who I consider more a tantric spiritual master, who has done so much body work in her lifetime that she posses no fingerprints, one of Wilhelm Reich's apprentices who wanted me to carry on Reich's work (but I chose a career composing music at the time), and more recently, the great Czech psychiatrist, Stanislov Grof, who was the last to use LSD in his practice and who now uses Reichian therapy techniques, including the orgone breathing (pranayama breathing) to generate a charge and that predictably and reliably brings altered states of consciousness, which he calls, "Holotropic Breathwork". He doesn't like that I busted him during one of his workshops about claiming credit for Reich's discovery, one of the most powerful therapies ever devised by western psychology, so we tend to argue now.
Most recently, my teachers have been well-known "new age" authors and lecturers, all of whom worked on a series brought to me by GAIAM, my record company at the time (2004), where I used their thoughts and words as compositional elements, creating several one hour CDs with each of them~Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now), don Miguel Ruiz (Toltec medicine man, the original "Don Quixote" of Carlos Casteneda's novels), and others, including Jack Canfield, author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul".
The purpose of all this work, over all these years, with female apprentices that included a girlfriend and a wife, in workshops from Zurich to LA, in dozens of CDs, a book and years of meditation, yoga and individual body work sessions, was to prepare for the period of time we are entering that will either bring forth the Garden of Eden or our destruction as a species. Far from the political environmentalist's worry that humankind is destroying the planet, far more likely is that the planet will destroy us. However, far from a doomsday-sayer, I believe and know in my heart, that we stand at the doors of the garden, but that it is going to be hard work - specifically, undoing hundreds if not thousands of years of oppression of our sexual power. It seems impossible, but I have been informed and believe that this eons-old oppression is finally and finely being challenged all over the globe, in the most unlikely spheres, by people from all walks and stations of life.
The asanas that have taken me years to develop and Sikh Swamis thousands of years before that, will be completed this month, which I will explain in another communication. It is time to put this work into action, to subvert the subversion of our sexual power through tantric massage, yoga, meditation and the pranayama techniques of Yogananda, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Stan Grof, Marion Rosen and the hundreds of others who know the power of alternative consciousness. It is the perfect time for us to have met.
They are now proven and they work, but need to be put into wider practice and taught. A tantric massage I gave yesterday might be the ultimate description of how hard it is to describe this work. It was toward the end of the massage and seemingly out of nowhere, that my client had her first ever full body orgasm. She asked me what secret place I had touched, as I was massaging inside of her womb, though it could just as easily have been her ear-lobe, and it was actually far from what that Swiss scientist called the "g-spot".
We'd had many previous sessions where I had explained that our bodies don't just use sexual energy to procreate and that in fact our bodies are vortexes of sexual energy, which is why the quest for whole body orgasms is so important, rather than making do with the little ones, localized in small areas, though we can work with those, building them into complete sexual health and enlightenment. In fact, in her case, that's exactly what we did, over a period of months of weekly sessions.
When people express surprise at my belief and knowledge that womanhood's power is best expressed in full unobstructed orgasm, they need only experience what she did yesterday to completely understand. That orgasm was the first experience she had of how big her own power really is. The oppressors - the church, dad, mom, teachers, the police - of course have tried to remove that power by making it "dirty" and making us fear it, as they feared our having access to it. Then all the "self-help" experts, including "Masters and Johnson" tried to give it back to us through techniques they copyrighted and devices they patented, when they were all just as afraid as they had agreed to be in order to get those "M.D.s" after their name, or in fact, be thrown out of their expensive nursery schools for that matter.
The energy that the human body runs on, as well as all other flora and fauna of the earth, is love - all three kinds - and of the three, Eros is the one indispensable for mental health, Reich said, without which spiritual ascendancy is impossible. Reich went to prison for this work, the only therapist that came out of Dr. Freud's camp whose techniques actually cured people. I have been told, but have not researched it, that Reich's work with orgone energy is now being used by the federal government for war-like purposes but if that is the case, tit is bound to explode in their faces.
Jesus and Moses told us that God commands us to "love" our fellow man. In fact, love is the only direct experience we have of the Creator. Her orgasm was the closest she had gotten to God because few people are brave enough to go where her sessions led. I spent many hours with my hand in her vagina, patiently following the energy around and coaxing it out of its hiding places, deep in her history, hundreds of lifetimes old. Our bodies are meant to express this energy at all times and in all places. The Earth is a garden already, and once we have learned to allow the pleasure of pure love in our bodies, it will begin to look like what it was always meant to be - the Garden of Eden. THAT is what God gave us. A friend of mine asked me, "So, you mean people will just be humping everywhere." You can guess what my answer was! God not only creates but IS Love. Can humans, made in his likeness, also create love? Of course. We do it by "making love." If God is Love, and every religious source seems to agree on this one point, then we are the most in his image and likeness when we are loving (including humping). There is a reason that Love draws all things to you and that you are drawn to all things that love. The Angel who dictated my book, said that when we were spun off from the Creator, each little spec of starlight was given one mission, one reason to be - only - and that was to return home to the Creator and on the way, learn the dance. The dance is Love and the "principal of attraction" psychobabblists love to speak of now is the absolute requirement to do that. We are meant to be attractive to, attracted to, and to attract, all other living beings and Love is the glue that holds us all together in one ecstatic, enlightened, cosmic, everything included hump.