Saturday, June 12, 2010

Recording With Tantra: Voice of The Goddess. Plus - How It All Started. . .

Tantra ~ "Key to the Garden Gates"
Is not a spiritual movement, or a religion, or a set of 180 asanas, or even a way of life.  It is ONLY the key to the Garden Gates, which our ancestors locked behind them when they went walkabout the last 20 centuries.  It is time we turned the key and walked back in to claim, with wonder and excitement, our birthright.  Like when Willy Wonka opens the doors to the factory, revealing every child's dream come true.  The practice of Tantra during the recording of a vocal performance imprints the experience of the singer onto the musical waves, leaving the "factory doors" wide open, for anyone who cares to listen and respond.  Purely from a musical perspective, the quality of the singer's voice is enhanced beyond recognition.  What began as a personal expression of the singer's musical soul, is no longer recognizable to her family, friends and vocal coaches.  Through the power of sustained climax, its breadth and depth touch the infinite an ineffable quality you can feel and recognize but defies description for she is now singing with the original "Voice of Love", the earthly manifestation of pure Goddess energy and that which all mankind seeks from birth until their glorious return in Spirit to All that IS.  Though difficult to elucidate, this is the Love the Bible calls "God", Creator of All that IS.  It is what Jesus commanded us to make our lives an expression of when he uttered the most revolutionary phrase ever spoken, making personal power the low-hanging fruit it has always been (for it our birthright).  Imagine the most intense Love you have ever felt for any person, such as perhaps your first true love.  It is that intensity of Love Jesus meant...multiplied by infinity.  Tantra, used in recording for the mass market is the first chance at correcting a mistake our forebears made - a bad one - the one that lost us the Garden of Eden, which the Earth was meant to be.  When Adam and Eve went walkabout, closing the Garden gate behind them, and they  heard the clang shut, it wasn't the lack of pockets that caused Adam to go on vacation forgetting his keys, it was the forgetting...he forgot who he was but more importantly, he forgot who Eve was.  She was NOT made from his rib, she didn't entice him into leaving in the first place, or into getting God mad at him.  Very probably, he lost his way back and refused to ask directions.  Now we have directions, and true to her nature, woman is listening, but true to his nature man is telling woman, "TANTRA! - Beware-it is of the devil, it is a sham, a fake, just a way to get you into bed."

Ah, poor mankind.  The suffixes match like military intelligence sometimes.  Man - kind.  That's why you will rarely if ever see the word on this site.  

Humankind is at a crossroads.  We can completely ignore the words of Jesus and every other spark of the almighty sent to help us in our hour of need, or we can perish.  Environmentalists, while important, well-meaning and - well, I love them - they are good people-are also deluded in that they have misplaced their fear.  Humankind cannot hurt the Earth in any lasting way but can easily destroy itself.  The first to go as the Earth spins a little faster, the sun shines a little brighter, will be those who cannot withstand the increase in frequency, followed by those who would have been able to were it not for the closet crammed with secrets, poised to bury them as the door is opened.  They will be the most surprised - they who judged the sexually free for succumbing to the base demands of the flesh when they could have transmuted that course "low" root energy into "higher", finer, light-filled spiritual energy, saying the same as the Catholic church that persecuted the Tantra order, even as they fled underground, demanding they leave an acceptable "version" of their teachings behind, to become the "Approved Tantra" (my favorite being the practice of stopping the man from ejaculating and "wasting that precious, rare commodity of  spiritual energy", backed up by medical science that says the twenty-minute (male) orgasm I had in front of Stan Grof, M.D., witnessed by over 200 of his followers, is impossible).

Tantra is opening the door and it is already scaring a lot of people, no more so than the men whose closets are so crammed full of secrets they are in mortal danger.

But for the rest of us, it is available - finally - what we've been waiting to hear all our lives - the voice of the Goddess.  The sensual, ecstatic, blissful Erotic Love that by herself makes the pursuit of pleasure the very definition of what Jesus instructed us to do. Jesus, Buddha, everyone in the know . . .

She sings and the earthly manifestation of true Love is revealed ~ imprinted on our souls and everyone who enters through the garden gates is our soul mate.  There is no better feeling.  

Finally, it's safe to feel again.  [Breathes a huge sigh of relief] Thank God!

The process is quite natural, safe and immensely enjoyable.  Yet it can bring such powerful changes in the basic quality of the vocal apparatus, it sounds like an entirely different singer. Given the humble origins of the theory that led to the conception of Tantra Voice Coaching Goddess Training, that until now has been the proprietary technique of one film and television music composer and producer, it seems improbable that all  women were designed to be the muse for all of humankind - yet it's true.  Even if she just wishes to become a very good singer, the personal changes this experience can have on a singer's life path, apart from the financial and creative rewards the music itself brings, has led some to pursue TANTRA as a spiritual calling and others to protect their "secret method" with jealous zeal, making it a proprietary tool of her own after experiencing it during the recording of a song by the composer/producer who originated it.

One singer who has been the lead vocalist on many of these powerful songs, used in more than 200 films and 1,600 television episodes writes, "Knowing that the ecstasy you feel as you sing is the same your audience will feel as they listen, is a profound experience, powerful and freeing, yet the liberation it has brought me personally - the freedom to experience my own deepest pleasure without guilt or shame, has endowed it with a certain responsibility, too.  Every time I record, I feel it incumbent upon me to achieve greater and greater heights of ecstasy-to bring as much of that experience and the sense of freedom and personal power it engenders as I can to every project. It's the best and only way I can see of helping others escape the effects the oppressive, negative programming I got about sex and erotic love from my church, schools and even my parents. If I can bring others that feeling more powerfully by feeling it myself - more and more with each new recording - then maybe I can help others reclaim their lives, too - their own happiness and joy - physical joy as well as emotional - as I have."

The guilt and shame that seem to follow sexual bliss around like evil twins is surprisingly absent from the performers who use Tantra during their recordings.  They experience it as "probably the healthiest, freest  orgasm I've ever had, yet the strongest and most all-encompassing, full of unconditional love."  A lot of this has to do with the personal relationship with the producer, too. "I don't think I've ever experienced a love as pure.  The sense of being cared for and protected far surpasses any other experience either creative and public, or personal and intimate.  The combination of empathy, care and skill is extraordinary," singers who experienced it have said.

There are now about a dozen and all have said they "thoroughly enjoyed  it."  Most have said a lot more than that, including the one who sang the composer's first CBS piece: 
"As powerful as the sexual feelings were and as close as I felt to everyone there [in the recording studio], especially [the composer], I am certain within my soul that it would have been a betrayal of my life mission not to do this work and the first thing I did when I got home was to renegotiate my marriage vows to include Tantra, and as a devout Christian woman, in a deeply-committed marriage, orgasm is now included as the central expression of my devotion to God and my connection to the divine - far surpassing anything I once called "prayer". 
"The result is that for the first time my work has become as sacred as the temple from which it emerges."
What "Temple" would that be? And is this some kind of cult?  No. No more than any other creative enterprise is a "cult". As far as it being religious, it is only in that few would argue who believe in any form of God that He is the ultimate Creator, and most who hear the sound of the singers as they traverse this process say it is like the voice of angels or the voice of the Goddess, depending on their orientation.  The "Temple" she refers to is a concept that singer brought to Tantric Voice Coaching and almost everyone who has participated in this amazing venture has added her own spice to the "secret recipe".  She is referring to mind-body medicine that considers the body a Temple that we should treat with the respect and care of any other sacred place since it houses our most precious earthly commodity ~ Life itself!  Even the medical establishment has begun to embrace this concept in an effort to inspire patients to take responsibility for their own health and well being. 

After she sent me the email with what I quoted above, I asked her to elaborate, since this work is so hard to put into words and she already had such a nice start.  Here's what she sent me: 
I was writing of my center, my hara, the core from which my music emanates.  Out of this swirling vortex of Love the Voice of the Goddess often emerges.  It begins with the first orgasm triggered by the chemical/nuclear transformation that occurs when lingham and yoni first touch, expanding wave after wave as dozens of circuits programmed to bring the ecstasy of heaven and earth into blissful contact at the lingham's touch throw off sparks that catch fire, fueled by the musical impulse itself - deeply-rooted primal vocalizations that as they build in number and power, burn hotter until the raging fires of passion soar on the wings of melody, traversing the dimensions as only music can do, weaving together my own orgiastic ecstasy with the music of the spheres.  Such powerful orgasms crash over my body that they begin to emit their own sound, which in its power, reverberates in the center of the Creative Core, and returns in perfect mathematical frequency with the ebb and flow of Unconditional Life, imprinted with each convulsion of orgiastic bliss that passes through my body and emerges as the Voice of the Goddess.

It should be noted here that the infinite depth of the All that IS at the center of her hara is then captured with a microphone chosen to be the most perfect complement to this sound, which is individual to each singer so that her sound is not just beautiful but powerful, not just likable but irresistible

One can only feel deep sympathy for the poor wretch of a man who attempts to stand in the way of this Force that has emerged to avenge the mighty pen, be he Pope, pauper or AP reporter.  With the beginning of the higher frequencies already begun, we will in our lifetimes see the beginning of the wearing away of the rubble their lives of freedom were built upon, the LAWS too rigid to accommodate changes required of a populace that demanded humanity, Good, and Love from its "nation of laws", the ugly courthouses that purported to balance the actions of its lawless police, FBI and CIA, and will see the possibility that our grandchildrens' grandchildren will see not a footprint left of this oppressive chapter and humanity can resume - free.


The same techniques are now being used with film actresses in the shooting of feature films and it appears to work just as well for them - it is the closest thing I've ever seen to true "magic".  The techniques used to help my singers achieve and maintain orgasms for their vocal work are the same healing techniques I teach other therapists and producers, used daily to help heal others from trauma and recover their sexual health in tantric massage treatments like the one described here by an eyewitness who after she wrote this began the healing work herself.

The healing, encouraging, powerfully intimate and freeing techniques that bring a sense of wholeness and unconditional erotic love to the singers are tested, tried and true and are totally safe.  I've been using them in my work producing vocals in recording studios for over 15 years now and have recorded more than 100 songs this way, in more than 200 films and over a thousand prime time television episodes.

How It All Started

This is the story of how I discovered by accident how Tantra can be used to powerfully improve vocal performance to such a degree that it becomes a different voice entirely, while imbuing the singer with charisma and sex appeal.

The lead singer in my ska band was having some trouble with some of the songs.  Her vocal sound was never great anyway but we kept her because she could "sell" a song onstage and there weren't that many great vocalists in my tiny hometown.  We made an afternoon appointment to work on some of the songs when we wouldn't be disturbed, while everyone was at work.  I decided to start with an easy song and build from there but she was having trouble even with a vocal that should have been easy.  I tried everything and she just couldn't get it.  Finally I decided to try a technique I'd had success with training horses - bringing her along "on my energy".  I started by having her maintain eye contact with me as she sang - and that's when I discovered what the problem had been all along.

She was totally distracted by the orgone energy I had been consciously developing, using powerful Tantra asanas and building massive amounts of sexual energy, compressing it into my pelvis, believing it would increase my stage presence.  Later I found out that was exactly backwards from how real Tantra works from the very Guru responsible for the misinformation.  The energy has to be moving to even be noticed by an audience.  But it still served a useful purpose that day when she let me in on what was bothering her, "I can't even look at you, I'm so turned on," she told me.  It didn't help she was married to the lead guitarist in the band or that teenage hormones were still coursing through our veins.  She grabbed me and being the age I was, didn't even try to resist.  As soon as our stomachs touched I got my first look at how powerful and sex can be.  The heat emanating from her body was like striking a match in a gas leak, and my overloaded second chakra poured flaming orgone energy into her, causing rhythmic convulsions I have since come to know as an especially powerful variety of Tantra-induced orgasm but that day thought for a moment were seizures.

Finally I made the connection between what was happening to her and my Tantra work, but brushed it off and tried to got us back to recording as soon as possible.  Suddenly she could do the part we'd been struggling with.  At first I thought it was because of our "circumstantial energy" and that having sex on the recording studio floor had unblocked her, providing the release she needed to break past through, but that didn't account for the improvement in the sound of her singing voice - it was more than that.  Something had happened.  For one thing it was not "normal" sex.  Afterward she stated flatly that she could NOT going back to her husband after this and would now be staying at my place.  Although I enjoyed it, too, I didn't think it was worth breaking up a marriage (or the band) over so I only agreed to try some more "recording" together. 

As we fell into heavy petting at our private recording sessions, "in between takes", I began to try out some of the Kama sutra-like asanas I was learning, and her vocals kept getting better and better.  One day I decided to see if there was any connection and while she was singing, I began to play with her legs. When she stopped, thinking as usual that I wanted sex and recording was now on hold, I instead told her to keep singing.  Every time my fingers went inside her, her voice deepened and became more complex and rich sounding.  When I pushed this and went for a full response, massaging her "yoni" in several places at the same time, the effect doubled and when she was about to climax, doubled again.  There was no question there was a connection. We played the results for the band and they were amazed and excited about our new future, except the guitarist.  He

And they do not have to be my girlfriend!  Stay tuned.