Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog About A Blog About Me

She sent me an email asking about my work. It became clear after a few exchanges that she had done a lot of work reclaiming her own sexual power and even though she was quite young, was ready for this big step into the center of her own path. She already knew where it would lead her ~ into the jungles of Peru, on a journey through the Ayahuasca teachings pioneered for the west by my friend and collaborator, philosopher and author, Terence McKenna, lyricist for many of the songs from my album, Trance, who also attempted to translate into English his experiences in the extremes of consciousness. He died during the production of that album from brain cancer, fingers about to close around his Holy Grail, the purple liquid said to contain the entheogenic compound at the center of the last room in the ancient and mysterious mystery school that Jesus, Cleopatra and Cesar were all said to have attended. Whether or not attended by such famous students, archeologists and anthropologists agree that the schools really existed and that it was in the last room where you either emerged with the secret knowledge of the meaning of life, or you died. I was in the studio just before Chrsitmas, not having seen the sun for weeks, when I received a call from Terence saying he was in South America about to realize his life-long dream. He was about to finally lay eyes on the msyterious and jealously-guarded secret plant that produced the most powerful psychedelic substance (entheogen) ever known, that produced the priceless purple liquid they imbibed, hands trembling as they lifted the stopper out of the heavy, but tiny crystal bottle from its stone altar in the center of the final room, from which they might or might not emerge with the secret of life. Gina already had her ticket to Peru, so I hurried her through her "initiation" into the Tantric secrets that Yogi Bhajan entrusted to me and six other students just before he died. We did her session the Monday after but in order to speed things along so she could take in as much as possible, while minimizing the potential for trauma from opening so fast, I offered to show her my work and she surprised me later that night with her blog, which I was not expecting. It is the clearest writing I've seen about what I do, which my clients and students unanimously agree is impossible to put into words because the true reality from which it grows and is made manifest is so far beyond any concept that we have the vocabulary to express. It is like that trip to Helsinki in the dead of Winter, when the sun comes up for fourhours a day, to record with one of Finland's "national treasures" (she is actually a numbered treasure f the Finnish government, a composer and vocalist at the Sibelius Institute). When I presented Terence McKenna's lyrics for her to translate into Finnish, which was our language of choice for the project, we found that, "A terrifying integration of my consciousness into the sub-molecular fabric of the universe" could not be translated into the ancient tongue, which did not even have a word for "universe", the closest being "world".

Future entries in this column will include some of the things that Gina observed but chose not to describe not because they couldn't be, but in order to make it more acceptable to a wider internet audience, but that explain exactly how my client came to experience three powerful orgasms during the session she observed, eliciting the silent cheering she describes. She also did not include her insistence, after observing how it is possible to light up a darkened room with highly-charged orgone energy for two straight hours, that she left that night only after she had acquired for herself the very next appointment where she also found herself hurtling toward unbridled orgasm.
Here is the link to her blog, which this blog is about:

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